Almost to 1,000 Hours

Post date: Feb 3, 2014 9:52:06 PM

My morning ESOL students are still in a health literacy unit and will probably remain in one until the end. I realized that health literacy encompasses a lot, and I would like to go over a lot of important information with them before I leave. The classroom doesn't have computers, so my GED classes are getting difficult to teach. However, I bring my laptop to class and point out online resources that students can use. Students are more than welcome to knock on my office door when they need help with things dealing with the computer. No one has shown up to my evening classes this past month, which is very strange. I thought I wasn't offering enough evening time slots before. I have been participating in the service projects this past month too. I have been enjoying them. One that stood out to me was the middle school robotics competition. I realized how much I miss middle schoolers. Teaching adults has been great. However, reality has struck me that I need to look for my next career opportunity. I hope that there will be future opportunities for me to work with the middle school population.