Liaison Duties

During the first year of my residency, I was not formally assigned a particular subject area or community. I regularly answered questions at the Van Pelt Library Information Desk and Penn Libraries chat, the main service points for Penn Libraries. Because of my unique academic background and the configuration of the Science Libraries at Penn, I served as a functional liaison for the greater STEM community and the entire campus. In my case, the functions are related to strategic initiatives I am involved in including Expertise@Penn, Library Lounge, the Group On Library Diversity, and the InterProfessional Student Advisory Gatherings.

During the second year of my residency, I took on some subject liaison responsibilities related to my two academic interests, Community Health and Engineering. The Assistant Director of Science Libraries and I starting holding "Engineering Librarian Office Hours", a program that continues to exist today with the assistance from the 2018 - 2020 Eugene Garfield Resident and the library staff from the Education Commons.

Following my residency, I became the Community Health & Engineering Librarian, in which I took on formal liaison responsibilities with the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Penn Health-Tech, the Penn STEM Alliance, Penn Medicine CAREs, the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Patient Education Committee, the Center for Public Health Initiatives, the Chief Wellness Officer, Wellness at Penn, and other related entities. I share some of these centers, offices, schools, and departments with other liaison librarians throughout the Penn Libraries.