Last Week of Classes

Post date: Jun 9, 2014 4:51:31 PM

My classes will end on Thursday. All year I have been reminding students of the 4 classroom rules that I have:

  1. Come to class on time (My students come from countries were timeliness doesn't matter. Interestingly enough, my students who are native Floridians also feel the same way.)

  2. During class, speak English (In English class, we speak English. In Chinese class, we speak Chinese. In Russian class, we speak Russian. End of story. I am not allowed to use translations, so the target language is the only language allowed.)

  3. Tell Ms. Aman to slow down. (I talk fast, because I'm from the North. Students need to slow me down.)

  4. Respect everyone and everything (Give respect to your fellow classmates and your teacher. Don't steal or break library property. This is important. I told my students to be more respectful of the library's space and next year's teacher.)

Next Monday, I will start giving assessments to students. I hope these exams go well. I am also making a binder for next year's AmeriCorps members who will take over the program. The binder will have information about what my predecessor and I have done during our service years along with advice and ideas for next year.