6 Weeks Left

Post date: Jun 2, 2014 4:43:33 PM

Last Wednesday, only 40 people showed up. We had more beverages than food, but students were excited about obtaining their Certificates of Attendance. I even recruited new students during the Graduation Party. Unfortunately, an unknown number of students stole a couple of items belonging to me or to the library from the graduation party. I have expressed how disrespectful that is in class. Students understand. I will probably not be able to find out who did it. However, students said they will not let this happen next year. Last year, some students stole books from the library. Unfortunately, these things happen. During the next 2 weeks, I will be teaching class. Starting in 3 weeks, I will be giving individual assessments to students. Students have yet to ask me what is on the exam. I am also participating in 2 training classes this month and next month. I am using this to reflect on my experiences this year and prepare for graduate school. I am also helping a fellow AmeriCorps member shop for end-of-the-year gifts (vintage picture frames from thrift shops) for the AmeriCorps crew. I have started to pack and ship things home. I will be moving out about 3 days after the AmeriCorps program ends.