Time Flew By!

Post date: Jul 7, 2014 12:45:09 PM

I can't believe that this is it: my last week as an AmeriCorps member. I will spend Monday through Wednesday giving out assessments. On Thursday, I will turn in my July monthly report and my 2013 - 2013 recap binder. I will also clean the office, so it will be ready for the next AmeriCorps member to begin using in September. Over the past couple of weeks, some students have given me cards and other gifts. I am glad that I have made an impact. I wish the students were more respectful throughout the year, so I could have seen how much they actually appreciated by my presence. I might do another post on Friday after the post-graduation meeting. My dad and brother will fly in on Monday evening, and everything will be out of the apartment on next Tuesday, my 23rd birthday.