Last Week of Service in 2013

Post date: Dec 16, 2013 10:24:26 PM

This is my last week of AmeriCorps service in 2013. After this week, I will have about 900 hours to complete before mid-July 2014. I am hoping I can start handing over components of my program to AmeriCorps members who need to catch up on hours. This week, today and Thursday will be only full days of teaching. Tomorrow, I have a library staff training session, so I cancelled my classes. On Wednesday, I will have a holiday party instead of ESOL classes. However, I will still teach my afternoon and evening classes as scheduled. My evening class is allowed to bring treats in if they wish. Looking at my bank account, my New Year's resolution is to spend within my AmeriCorps stipend next year. My AmeriCorps stipend after taxes is $844 per month. I am tired of seeing my bank account at its lowest point since high school. I am expecting to get tax returns which will help me recover some things that I went over budget on. I am also planning for the future. I have applied to two graduate school programs and had a phone interview with a potential employer. During break, I will be applying for jobs as well. My goal is to become financially stable in 2014.