First Normal Week at the Library

Post date: Sep 23, 2013 9:25:40 PM

Technically, this will be my first normal week at the library, as in I won't be cancelling classes to do other AmeriCorps things. One of my AmeriCorps colleagues may be taking over my Beginners' English Class 3 out of 4 days of the week, so I can focus on the launch of the one-on-one tutoring program. The AmeriCorps will have a meeting tomorrow, where I will discuss the one-on-one tutoring program. I am hoping that I will be able to match my adult students with AmeriCorps tutors. My site supervisor and I will be going to a free workshop about Immigration and Citizenship. I would like to teach special monthly seminars on Citizenship and Computer Literacy. This Thursday and Saturday, I will be helping out with the Job Readiness Workshops as well. I will be meeting with a fellow AmeriCorps member on Friday afternoon to discuss how I can teach reading and writing to my students who want to learn. I am going to additional training on Saturday morning to learn about how to teach reading and writing to my adult students. There are differences between teaching at a secondary school and coordinating a department at a library. I am excited to go through the daily challenges as the Adult Literacy Services Instructor at the local library.