University Teacher Education Program Portfolio

These are some of the materials that I had submitted as a part of my University Teacher Education Program (UTEP) portfolio, which impacts student teaching placements and teacher licensure in the state of Iowa.

Looking for more examples? Check out my complete e-portfolio for the School of Education (formerly the University Teacher Education Program):

Sample Homework Assignment: On VoiceThread, comment on each photo. Decide whether it is a want, need, or both. Explain why.

Sample In-Class Writing Assignment: What was Ms. Aman talking about when she was discussing "needs" and "wants"?

  • Need - something thought to be a necessity or essential item required for life

  • Want - something unnecessary but desired; item which increases the quality of living

Sample Student of the Month Award: At the end of each month, Ms. Aman will award one student the honor of "Student of the Month" based on character, academics, leadership, and service within Ms. Aman's classroom!

Sample In-Class Discussion Question: Should fast food be served in public school lunches? Why or why not?

This Voicethread assignment creates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness online where students can share their thoughts on issues presented which in turn enhances student learning. This tool helps students communicate with each other effectively and accurately.

Sample Project: Career Investigation Trackstar

Track # 414687

This Trackstar assignment addresses Career Investigation, a major concept in Family and Consumer Sciences Education. The Trackstar addressed many components from discovering one's interests to researching higher education options connecting it all back to the main topic of Career Investigation.

Sample Lesson Plans:

See below for lesson plans on personal financial literacy and cyber-bullying. I apologize that the scanned PDFs have strange characters scattered across several pages.

CI 202 Lesson Plan.pdf