Learning on the Go

Post date: Sep 19, 2013 9:09:37 PM

This past week, I have taught English classes at 3 different levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Mixed. I believe my students are having fun and learning. Almost all of my students will be participating in the AmeriCorps pen pal program. Every Monday, my students will write a letter to their AmeriCorps member. Every Friday, the letter will be delivered to the respective AmeriCorps pen pal who will write a letter in response. Hopefully, by the end of the year, my students will meet their AmeriCorps member. This program will help my students practice reading and writing skills. My AmeriCorps colleagues will be able to get more service hours through this program. My Advanced student is interested in taking the GED and agreed to change the course from Advanced English to GED Subject Classes. Starting on Tuesday, I have been contacting students who have enrolled in my English classes and/or the one-on-one tutoring program. My classes are already filling up. Next week, registration will open to the public. There will be an orientation for AmeriCorps members next Tuesday to launch the one-on-one tutoring program. I have students interested in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Computer Literacy, Spanish, and much more. I am hoping to match all of my students interested in the program with a tutor. I know that my AmeriCorps colleagues are also interested in tutoring. I can't believe the number of people that I am already helping and more keep enrolling into the Adult Literacy Services program. My first official day on the job was less than 2.5 weeks ago. Tomorrow, I will go to the Emergency Operations Center for Disaster Preparedness training. Firstly, I live in Evacuation Zone 1, because I live within 15 minutes walking distance from the beach. Secondly, as an AmeriCorps member, I will be called to serve the county during disasters such as hurricanes. On Saturday, I will be the photographer of an AmeriCorps service project. The AmeriCorps will be cleaning up the beach in a neighboring town. I have calculated that I have served over 200 hours with the AmeriCorps in the past 6 weeks. In total, I need 1,700 hours for the federal education award. My particular AmeriCorps program requires 1,725 hours. I think I found my calling in adult education. Secondary school students do not have the same motivation as adult students. My students have various backgrounds and skills. Some of them are multilingual. Others are native speakers of English who could not pursue education earlier in life. Some are multicultural high school students who want extra practice with Standard Formal American English. Others are great-grandparents who grew up in places where the schools were not yet built and developed. All in all, I am having a great time thus far. I will start looking at graduate school programs related to adult education. Outside of the AmeriCorps, I would need a Master's Degree in something in order to teach adults at a community college.