Video Guide

Thank you for helping out!

Hello! Thank you for visiting my portfolio and helping me out with the testimonial session.



Hold Horizontally

Yeap, we need the video to be all landscape. It would be easier to process the all of them under one format.

Set HD

The video will undergo a round of editing. This will compress the video to a lesser quality in the final output. Therefore, we need your help to set the video to HD mode.


The video generally surrounds 4 compulsory questions for authenticity purposes and the last is anything you wish to add for me. The video should take about 2 minutes (It's okay to have more), surrounding the

1) Who Are You?

Introduce yourself.

2) How do you know Kean Ho?

Indicating that you aren't random person giving testimonials. Also, it speaks out our relationship.

3) How do you find Kean Ho like?

Speaks out my personality, strength, etc. The strong point of Kean Ho.

4) What do you think he needs to work on next?

Speak out my weakness, where to improve etc. It's all right. I can take the heat.

5) Anything else you want to say for him?

[ OPTIONAL ] - anything else you want to add aside the 4 main questions.


The submitted video will undergo a simple marketing touch up with banners and background musics. My recording uses Tom as an example, while the banner is the actual output. Only the "Quote" banner changes according to your overall testimonial.

There is a maximum length of the music, that is 2.30 minutes.

Here's an example using my original recording (left) and the generated output (right).



You can upload the video at the original size in the private Google Photo's Album directly from your phone. The final video will be hosted through Google Drive as you can see in the above via private storage. Hence it's safe to store.
