Get LVM Volume Status

It is never safe if you're interacting with logical volume management without knowing how to query the volume status. This section guides you on how to query LVM volume status from a system.

Querying Command

The commnad is vgdisplay.

List all volumes

To list all devices, simply do not supply any value. Example:

$ vgdisplay

To present in a shorter manner (e.g. name, size, and free size only), you may supply --short argument. Example:

$ vgdisplay --short

Show Specific Volume

To list all devices, simply do not supply any value. Example:

$ vgdisplay <volume_name>
$ vgdisplay localstore

To present in a shorter manner (e.g. name, size, and free size only), you may supply --short argument. Example:

$ vgdisplay --short <volume_name>
$ vgdisplay --short localstore

That's all about querying LVM volume status.