Multiboot - Network

GRUB allows multiboot via network (unlike PXE booting). However, this entry is not always available for certain systems, like *-emu, i386-qemu, i386-coreboot, i386-multiboot, mips_loongson, mips-arc and mips_qemu_mips.

For those cases, use PXE boot instead.


Based on the guide:, to configure network boot, you perform:

grub-mknetdir --net-directory=/srv/tftp --subdir=/boot/grub -d /usr/lib/grub/<platform>

E.g. for i386-pc:

grub-mknetdir --net-directory=/srv/tftp --subdir=/boot/grub -d /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc

Then follow the instruction to setup the DHCP server.

That's all about Multiboot from network.