
Anger is the sudden rush of energies channeled from some negative actions opposing your own values. The energy is powerful enough to drive you into a highly focused, getting things done without considering cost. Thus, it is easy to make regretful actions during angry moment.

Anger is actually an alarming, and an immediate response, energized to stop you from an existing torment (the trigger). It is completely natural. Remember, it is an energy to signify a stop towards a pain or torment, an anxiety about the future from getting more hurt. It is not for expense to take an action.

Taking an action with this energy in hand usually ended inappropriately and regretful consequences.

There are also good and bad angers too, depending on the source.

Sources of Anger

Bad Things Happened

This occurs when things happened against (not outside) your expectation, in which you notice it.

Bad E.g. Sally called me an idiot.

Blame Self

This occurs when one judges self over a matter, thus blaming himself/herself.

Bad E.g. I should have known that term. I should have impressed her. I should have figured it out.

Damn Self

This occurs when one demonize self over bad experiences.

Bad E.g. I am stupid for not knowing that word. I am an inferior person for not appearing smart.

Ego Pain

This occurs when one's emotion is injured or hurt.

Bad E.g. I feel ashamed and discouraged.

Anger Defends

One is angry about the self-blame and self-damn.

Bad E.g. I am mad at Sally for calling me an idiot.

Good E.g.: I am mad that I tell myself that I am stupid.

Blame Thinking

One is angry about the thinking of blaming.

Bad E.g: Sally should be more understanding and not uppity. Sally should think well of me.

Good E.g.: I should not put my self down because that only makes me feel bad and prevents problem-solving.

Damm Thinking

One is angry about the cause of thinking for damming.

Bad E.g. Sally is stupid for not understanding when someone doesn’t know a word. Sally is bad for making me feel bad. Sally is my enemy.

Good E.g. It is stupid to think I am stupid because it programs and scripts me to act stupid.

Demand Thinking Stop

One demanding oneself to stop, blame less, damm less about oneself and other, questioning the thinking of such, then eventually cease, and make oneself better.

Bad E.g.: I will make Sally pay for making me mad. She must never do that to me again. She must change.

Good E.g.: Self-damning is self-defeating. I must blame and damn my self less and less. I must blame and damn my stinking thinking more and more.

In the following sub-sections, we will review some of the collected and best practices to handle anger.