
This is my guides to master the English language for international use. I primarily use American English mainly due to working environment. I do assimilate the United Kingdom's English, but in my opinion, at some point, American counterpart is modern and practical.

However, that does not means that I will use the Imperial measurement standards in my communications. I will still use the international standard (S.I.) units since it has greater benefits and standardized across the world.

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Language Structures

These are the structures, vocabularies, grammars, etc. that constitute English. It has various components.


These are the main elements of the languages.


These are the text formatting and symbols' representation in the language.


These are the common systematical errors detected across experiences.


These are some common styles used in the language.


After taking the refresh course in 2018, I decided to build a common checklist for American English grammar in case there is a need. They are available here:


I'm a poly-lingual person; primarily uses English to communicate to vast majority of receivers / audiences. My English standards was a Malaysian (or United Kingdom origin) university level capable of read and write professionally. As time goes by, I need to adapt to my working environment.

2018 - American English Refresh Course

I took the English refresh course offered by Khan Academy and scored all its quizzes. At this point in time, I wrote this guide for future references. The main purpose for taking this course is to perform the grammar repairs over my existing English and upgrading it towards the American English native speaking level.

English - 2018 Khan Academy Grammar Course

2005 - Malaysian University Level

I attained my English proficiency to Malaysian University level when I took my engineering degree at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU), or Staffordshire University equivalent.

English - Staffordshire University Level
English - Malaysian University Level

That's all about English language that I learnt throughout my life!