Windows 10 Anti-Virus Defenses

The next thing after setting up the hardware with Windows 10 is a good Anti-Virus and others software. This is to setup a perimeter defenses against known threats. I tried numerous offers ranges from Panda, Avaria, Avast, and Kaspersky. Among them, Kaspersky shines brightly and performs up-to expectation. Their disinfection execution is so good that it doesn't disrupt the original software most of the time. That also means: less call for help from IT.

Free Version

I recommend using Kaspersky Free Edition. You can download one here:

Upon completing downloading, install it before you setup anything else. Let it settles down, have its definition database updated, and run a rootkit + full scan. This can greatly minimize internal threats from the operating system.

Normally, at the time of your setup, your Windows Updates should be executed simultaneously. That also means that it will take a very long time if your hardware is a minimal/embedded machines.

If you're setting up a headless machine, ensures you setup the auto-schedules and responses before you go headless.

Paid Version

Depending on your needs. The internet security purchase is suffice:

The installation is also straight-forward like the free version. The few differences are:

  • more defense mechanism than the free version, especially against the internet access
  • scan configurations

That's all about it. Remember, don't rush the operating system setup! Otherwise, you're risking your system for security compromise.