reprepro (DEB Private Server)

Sometimes, you might be wondering, how on Earth many software companies hosting their DEB packaging server without bleeding on server expenses? There's many ways and some actually quite easy to use. In this section, we will be using reprepro to create and maintain a DEB packaging server serving via static website repository like Guthub Pages or GitLab Pages.

Also you still need your GnuPG account since the guide will use a GnuPG to manage your distribution identity between you and your users via signature signing. This guide only covers reprepro section.

Repository Format

The first thing to do is to understand the repository format for deb ecosystem to work. This is the specification URL:

The specification serves as a map when you are verifying and testing the Debian repository.

Reprepro Setup Format

There is a detailed specification prepared by Debian team available here:

You need this specification to cross check reprepro setup while you're developing its automation components.


Once done, here are the guides for reprepro.

Setup and Configurations

These are guides for setup and configurations. Please your hosting choice before heading to build your reprepro repository.


These are guides for daily operations.

Optionally Good-to-have

These are guides for optional good-to-have information for edge cases or fire-fighting needs. They should not be used unless you are practicing unstructured production process or laissez faire development style.

That's all for reprepro.