Build and Test Simple-CDD Image

With everything ready, you may now build and test

Test Equipment

I highly recommend using QEMU to test the ISO image since it allows various hardware (especially CPU) emulations. To setup QEMU, you may refer to QEMU section for installation and setup.

Build ISO Image

To build the ISO image, you can call in the build-simple-cdd command with --conf argument. The command looks something as such:

$ build-simple-cdd --conf "/path/to/mycustom.conf"

If you follow my guides correctly, it looks something like this:

$ build-simple-cdd --conf "./confs/mycustom.conf"

Once done, it will take some times for first build. Go grab some coffee.

Test With QEMU

Once everything is done, launch your QEMU VM and use the ISO to run the installer. You must ensure that the default "install" path is working as expected.


After building a new ISO and overwritten the previous version with the same name, although QEMU permits FORCE RESET to reset your VM without re-selecting your ISO path in the CDROM device, your ISO image contents are not refreshed if you use FORCE RESET it.

Hence, to make sure you're testing your image correctly build-after-build, make sure you ONLY use FORCE OFF.

That's all about build-and-test ISO image for simple-cdd.