
I had moved my portfolio site from using Google Sites into using one of my own scalable and customizable technologies already. This page is left for redirecting my existing users to that new site. Please visit the following link for going to my latest portofolio site:

Academic Researches

These are my past academic researches done after leaving university. They are arranged in a timeline manner from the latest to the oldest:

  1. Securing Debian Through System Administration Hardening Techniques - Guides to hardening Debian Operating System via system administration.

  2. Basic Git Cheat Sheet - Developer (v1.0.0) - Basic git cheat sheet for newcomers to contribute to an existing Git repository without already knowing repository maintenance.

  3. A Base Conversion For Floating Point Numbers in Go - Performing base number conversion for float-point numbers in Go

  4. Large Scale Unit Testing for Go Programming Language Packages - focusing on large scale unit testing in Go.

  5. Descriptive Review for Research Paper Format - focusing on research paper format writing.

  6. Descriptive Review for Software Testing Algorithms - focusing on software testing and deriving a software testing algorithms.

  7. Descriptive Research for Access Management using Password - focusing on password management and storing security sensitive data.

  8. Descriptive Research for JWT Implementation as Session Data - focusing on the use of JWT as a session data replacement candidate.

  9. A Descriptive Research about Licenses for Media Work - focusing on understanding the use of media licenses.