Setup TPLink AC1750v5 with DD-WRT

Got a TPLink AC1750 version 5 and wanted to use DD-WRT over its original firmware? This Jan 2020 log entry would be a good data-point. Please always refer to the official document available here:

WARNING: This should serve as a data pointer, not a guide. You must and always refer to the main documentations for latest information to avoid bricking your device.

Download the Firmwares

The firmware as guided in the main documentation, will leads you to this site: Browse the directory for latest and greatest and look for "tplink_archer-c7-v5". At the time of logging, there are 2 files to download:

  1. factory-to-ddwrt.bin - To transform from tplink factory firmware into DD-WRT.
  2. tplink_archer-c7-v5.bin - Actual firmware for that release version.

Transforming to DD-WRT

Now the first step is to transform the firmware from TPLink factory version to DD-WRT version.

Login to TPLink Router

Your first need to login into your TPLink router.

Goto "System" Section

Look for "System" section where you get firmware upgrades.

Upload the factory-to-ddwrt.bin firmware FIRST

Now upload factory-to-ddwrt.bin firmware first. It will take some times and do not do anything until the it is completed. Otherwise, you will brick it.

Once done, you would not need this factory-to-ddwrt.bin firmware anymore.

Hardware Reset the Router

Once done, you need to do a complete hardware reset (using the pin holds for ~12 seconds). This will change the interface into DD-WRT. It's default location is now:

Setup Dummy Login Identity

Re-visit the router login page. You'll be greeted with setting username and password. At this point, set it to something simple and dummy as we will need to update the firmware.

Update to Corresponding Latest Firmware

With the DD-WRT ready, it's time to update the firmware.

Goto "Administration" > "Firmware Upgrade"

Head over to "Administration" > "Firmware Upgrade". We will need to upload the corresponding firmware.

Setup TPLink AC1750v5 with DD-WRT  - Firmware screenshot

Upload tplink_archer-c7-v5.bin

Now upload the 'tplink_archer-c7-v5.bin' firmware. It will take some times.

Hardware Reset the Router

Once done, you need to do a complete hardware reset (using the pin holds for ~12 seconds). This will change the interface into DD-WRT. It's default location is now:

Setup Acutal Login Identity

Re-visit the router login page. You'll be greeted with setting username and password again. This time, set a proper and secure username and password.

Ready to Ship

Once done, your DD-WRT TPLink AC1750 is ready.

That's all for setting up DD-WRT on TPLink AC1750 wireless routers on Jan 2020.