Harden Debian by Not Using Finger

Finger is an application to expose user details from the user account to external query. This is compliant for older UNIX system where the user's details are stored alongside with the UNIX user account. To date, it is no longer needed and Finger application is a thing of the past. This section guides you on how to harden Debian by not using Finger application.

Identified Threats

These are the identified threats related to Debian software.

(T-86) Finger Applications Leak Individual Data

Finger application like any web application leaks users' details.

Actions Required

Here are the list if actions to counter the issues.

Avoid Using Finger Applications

It's very rare now-a-days finger is being used to store individual data. There are powerful dedicated applications handle these sensitive data securely. Henceforth, do not use finger.

That's all for hardening Debian by not using Finger.