Add Cryptsetup Passphrase

The encrypted medium can holds about 10 authentication identities (more than enough). Hence, you're not limited to 1 passphrase alone. This section guides you on how to add new passphrase into a target device.

Listing Devices

You need to identify the correct partition for the passphrase changes. Visit the following link if you need the know how.

Add Passphrase

Now that you got your device name, it's time to add the passphrase for that encrypted partition. In this example, we will be using sda5 as our dummy device.

The command is:

$ cryptsetup luksAddKey /path/to/device

Based on our example, it is:

$ cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda5

Prompt for Passphrase

You may need your old passphrase for authentication purposes before adding the new key.

That's all about adding cryptsetup passphrase for encrypted medium.