
Unlike Windows, Screensaver in this OS is using the standard XScreensaver. Folks like me would not enjoy some fancy graphics dancing around when I'm not using the machine. What I love to do (usually), is to set the computer to turn-off the monitor as it hits the timeout. The reason is plain simple:

  • Save battery power.
Debian9 LXDE Sceensaver - Opening Configuration

Go to MENU > Preferences > Screensaver

Debian9 LXDE Screensaver - Setting Display Modes

In Display Modes:

  1. Select Blank Screen Only
  2. Blank After 2 minutes
  3. Cycle After 2 minutes
  4. Un-Check Lock Screen After X minutes
Debian9 LXDE Screensaver - Setting Advanced Configurations

In Advanced:

  1. Select Power Management Enabled
  2. Standby After 2 minutes
  3. Suspend After 2 minutes or your liking
  4. Off After 2 minutes or your liking
  5. Check Quick Power-off in Blank Only Modes
  6. Check Fate to Black when Blanking
  7. Change fade duration to: 1~3 seconds.

Close the Windows once it's done.

Now, add these hot-keys (screen lock) into your local OpenBox configurations (~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml)

        <keybind key="C-S-L">
            <action name="Execute">
                <command>xscreensaver-command -lock</command>
        <keybind key="C-A-L">
            <action name="Execute">
                <command>xscreensaver-command -lock</command>
        <keybind key="W-L">
            <action name="Execute">
                <command>xscreensaver-command -lock</command>

This allows you to manually lock your screen through CTRL + SHIFT + L, CTRL + ALT + L, WINDOWS/MAC + L hot keys. They're standardized keys across various operating systems. Save it and exit.

Restart your OpenBox and then try out the screen lock settings. You should be able to experience manual locking and automatic locking easily.

$ openbox --reconfigure

Restart your computer to take effect. You should xscreensaver locking the screen. Yes it is ugly but xscreensaver is by far the most stable and safest version available.