Multiboot - GNU/Hurd

GNU/Hurd complies to GRUB multiboot specification. Hence, it's very easy to boot the operating system up. The full specification is available here:

Instructions for Boot

These are the instructions for setting up boot sequences for GNU/Hurd. They are multi-boot standard procedures.

#1 - Search and Set Root Partition

You need to seek out your root partition via search command and set command for setting the root partition to it.

#2 - Load the Kernel

Next is to load the kernel. You can load it as follows:

grub> multiboot /boot/gnumach.gz root=device:hd0s1
grub> module  /hurd/ext2fs.static ext2fs --readonly \
                   --multiboot-command-line='${kernel-command-line}' \
                   --host-priv-port='${host-port}' \
                   --device-master-port='${device-port}' \
                   --exec-server-task='${exec-task}' -T typed '${root}' \
                   '$(task-create)' '$(task-resume)'
grub> module /lib/ exec /hurd/exec '$(exec-task=task-create)'

#3 - Boot it

Once done, you can proceed to execute boot sequences using the boot command and release the boot sequence to that operating system.

grub> boot

That's all about GRUB booting GNU/Hurd.