Add New Package Into Reprepro

To add an available package into reprepro repository, you use the includedeb argument. This guide will show you how to add deb package into the reprepro repository.

Clean Vanished Before Addition

Chances are, you probably updating your conf/distributions due to new changes from the ecosystems. For that, you can proceed to execute clearvanished before starting work. Visit this link (recommended right-click and open new tab) to clear up the repository.

Add Package

Now that your repository is cleaned, you can proceed to add the package. The easiest way is to use --includedeb argument.

reprepro --basedir /path/to/base/directory \
         --outdir /path/to/output/directory \                                        
         --confdir /path/to/config/directory \                                         
         --dbdir /path/to/database/directory \                                             
         --logdir /path/to/log/directory \
         --includedeb "Codename/Suite" /path/to/package.deb

reprepro will populate the package based on the package metadata (debian/control file).

That's all for adding new package into the reprepro repository.