
Libraries is a set of classes/functions that provides reusable functionalities. The client usually calls the libraries to perform some tasks like system structure controls and flow.

A library function executes based on the given input and return the output.

When to Use (Problem)

  • When the source codes has many reusable code patterns all over the places.
  • When the reusable code patterns are reusable across different source codes from different project.

Example (Solution)

  • Abstract the common codes with common purpose and package them under a single purpose library.
  • Always functionalize or classify those common source codes.
  • Public vs. Private interface design applies.
  • Ensure all interfaces are stubble or mockable for isolated testing.

Expected Outcome (Consequences)

  • Reusable source codes in a package.
  • Less duplication.
  • Low coupling maintenance. Package can be upgraded independently.