Remove Package from Reprepro Repository

To remove a package from the repository, you use the remove action. This guide shows you how to remove packages from the repository.

Remove A Package from Distribution

To remove a package, use the remove action followed by the distribution Codename/Suite, then the package name.

reprepro --basedir /path/to/base/directory \
         --outdir /path/to/output/directory \                                        
         --confdir /path/to/config/directory \                                         
         --dbdir /path/to/database/directory \                                             
         --logdir /path/to/log/directory \
         remove <Codename/Suite> <packageName>

Remove All Packages from A Distribution

To remove all packages from a distribution, use the removefileter action followed by the distribution Codename/Suite, then a "Section" string.

reprepro --basedir /path/to/base/directory \
         --outdir /path/to/output/directory \                                        
         --confdir /path/to/config/directory \                                         
         --dbdir /path/to/database/directory \                                             
         --logdir /path/to/log/directory \
         removefilter <Codename/Suite> 'Section'

That's all for removing package from the reprepro repository.