
Wildcard is a "generalized" tool that helps you to operate in a pattern manner rather than a full name command / object. POSIX shell has 2 forms of wildcard:

  1. Globbing
  2. Regular Expression

Here, we will focus on #1 - Globbing in terminal command. In this example, we're going to use a directory that has the following files:

holloway:demo$ ls
abc     abcdefghijk  abc.php  abc.txt  ABC.txt   def  mydoc.odt  xyz.xml
abcdef  abcdef.odt   abctxt   abc.TXT  alphabet  DEF  xyz        xyz.yaml


Globbing is the symbolic wildcards. There are useful in command searches like searching a list of item with X or Y pattern.


Asterisk symbolizes anything else that matches regardless length. Example:

holloway:demo$ ls a*
abc     abcdefghijk  abc.php  abc.txt  alphabet
abcdef  abcdef.odt   abctxt   abc.TXT
holloway:demo$ ls A*
holloway:demo$ ls *.txt
abc.txt  ABC.txt
holloway:demo$ ls *txt
abctxt  abc.txt  ABC.txt
holloway:demo$ ls a*b*
abc     abcdefghijk  abc.php  abc.txt  alphabet
abcdef  abcdef.odt   abctxt   abc.TXT
holloway:demo$ ls *h*
abcdefghijk  abc.php  alphabet


Question mark is a length-specific symbolic wildcard regardless any character. Example:

holloway:demo$ ls D??
holloway:demo$ ls D?F
holloway:demo$ ls d??
holloway:demo$ ls *.???
abcdef.odt  abc.php  abc.txt  abc.TXT  ABC.txt  mydoc.odt  xyz.xml
holloway:demo$ ls *.????


Character set to search one character listed inside the set. Example:

holloway:demo$ ls a[a-z]c.txt
holloway:demo$ ls a[0-9]c.txt
ls: cannot access 'a[0-9]c.txt': No such file or directory
holloway:demo$ ls a[a-z]?.txt
holloway:demo$ ls a[[:alpha:]]?.txt
holloway:demo$ ls a[[:alnum:]]?.txt
holloway:demo$ ls a[[:blank:]]?.txt
ls: cannot access 'a[[:blank:]]?.txt': No such file or directory
holloway:demo$ ls a[[:digit:]]?.txt
ls: cannot access 'a[[:digit:]]?.txt': No such file or directory
holloway:demo$ ls a[[:lower:]]?.txt
holloway:demo$ ls [[:upper:]][[:upper:]][[:upper:]].txt
holloway:demo$ ls [[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]].txt
abc.txt  ABC.txt

There are a list of regular expression ranges:

  • [[:alnum:]] - A-Z, a-z, 0-9
  • [[:alpha:]] - A-Z, a-z
  • [[:blank:]] - Space, tab
  • [[:cntl:]] - ASCII characters 0-31 (non-printing control characters)
  • [[:digit:]] - 0-9
  • [[:graph:]] - ASCII characters 0-31 (non-printing control characters)
  • [[:lower:]] - a-z
  • [[:print:]] - ASCII characters 32-127 (printable characters)
  • [[:punct:]] - Punctuation (printable characters other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9)
  • [[:space:]] - Space, Tab, LF (10), VT (11), FF (12), CR (13)
  • [[:upper:]] - A-Z
  • [[:xdigit:]] - 0-9, A-F, a-f

Toggle Globing and Shell Options Command

Sometimes, you might want to toggle the glob settings in your terminal. For this function, you need to refer back to the settings offered by your shell program. However, you have to double check each manually toggled options is POSIX compatible before use.

Not Supported


curly brace expression is not supported in POSIX shell. Hence, you can't do something like:

holloway:demo$ ls abc.{txt,TXT}

You can however, workaround with grep regular expression:

holloway:demo$ ls abc.* | grep 'txt\|TXT'

That's all about the wildcards. Feel free to proceed to the next section.