Viewgraph Engineering

This project anti-pattern is related to getting stuck in viewgraphs and documents instead of developing software. Management restricts the tools needed for developers to perform work, forcing them to use office automation software to produce psuedo-technical outcome like office tool documentation.

This usually frustrates engineers as it does not use their talent fully and making them obsolesce.

Symptoms and Consequences

  • Developers using the wrong tool to develop the prototype or documentation. Example: Microsoft Paint to draw architecture flow diagram.


  • Poor management decision burdening the team.

Refactor Recipes

  • Persuade and show metric to management the outcome they're heading to. Try to get the headcount or internal anonymous survey result.
  • Let the developer teams know about it, have them always build prototype approach (mock-up or engineering prototype) and show to the management.
    • Have them use the right tool and track their resources metrics.
    • Show the management the tool the team actually use to the tool and the gains from it.