Hugo - Power On

Before we start, we need to understand how Hugo works from top to bottom, at least, to get a full picture first. These checkpoints are what we called "power-on" checkpoints: we learn through experience. This guide will leads you to setting a basic understanding and usable Hugo repository until you hit the wrapping up checkpoint (which indicates you already achieve the minimum requirement for understanding how Hugo works.


  1. We create a scaffold version of the hugo site, without external themes or any new magic.
  2. Once attaining that version, version control the result as a vanilla version.
Hugo - Power On - Create New

Run the setup command

This will create a directory containing the Hugo structure.

$ hugo new site <name>


$ hugo new site mysite
Hugo - Power On - Run Development Server

Initialize the Development Server

Once we're done, we'll launch the server for development. There are a number of parameters to pass in to make it a development friendly server. This terminal will be busy with this server

$ cd <name>
$ hugo server -D -b <address> -p <port number> \


$ cd mysite
$ hugo server -D -b localhost -p 8080 \
  1. -D means build the draft version together.
  2. -b means bind to an address. In our case, localhost is good.
  3. -p means bind to a port. In our case, we use standard 8080 port.
  4. --disableFastRender means to always freshly build after changes instead of using caching.

Open a New Terminal

The existing server is not occupied for serving the website. Hence, you'll need to open a new terminal and head back to the same directory for editing.

# in new terminal

$ cd path/to/mysite
Hugo - Power On - Create Posts

Create the First 2 Posts

Now that we have a server to run, we should write 2 posts to test out our server. Proceed to create those posts in the following sequence in the new terminal.

$ hugo new posts/
$ echo "# My First Post" >> ./content/posts/

$ hugo new posts/
$ echo "# My Second Post" >> ./content/posts/

If you watch the server activity, it is now rebuilding the site for each changes you made to it.

Hugo - Power On - Create BaseOf Layout

Create the BaseOf Layout

Hugo needs the html layouts to build your contents. Otherwise, it won't be able to render any site at all. To do this, we need to create a directory called _default inside layouts directory. Then we create the baseof.html layout, which is root of all layouts.

$ mkdir layouts/_default
$ echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>{{ .Title }} | {{ .Site.Title }}</title> 
        <h2>Using Baseof Layout</h2>
        {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
' > layouts/_default/baseof.html

We'll go through the theory and specification in the later topic. For now, let's focus on powering-on.

Hugo - Power On - Create Single Page Layout

Create the Single Page Layout

Now that we have our base layout. It's time to create the single page layout. Each markdown files are rendered using this single page layout. To do this, we create the single.html layout inside the same _default directory.

$ echo '{{ define "main" }}
        <h2>Using Single Layout</h2>
        {{- .Content -}}
{{ end }}
' > layouts/_default/single.html
Hugo - Power On - Create First Post
Hugo - Power On - Create Second Post

Check the Post Links

With the layouts are set to render, it's time to visit the page. Open up your web browser and visit the following site:


You should see something as such on the website, depending on which post you're visiting. Here is an example for second post:

Using Baseof Layout
Using Single Layout
my second post

If you're not seeing the pages, you might want to delete the folder and try again.

Hugo - Power On - Git Commit

Git Commit This Vanilla Version

Since the site is now working. You should perform your git version control over the current version. We'll expand it in the following topics. To do so, you will need git software and perform the git commit.

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -s 
<fill in your commit message>

Congratulations! You now have the vanilla version of the hugo site. It is a crude html codes illustrating how thing works. The following section is explaining what's going on during this phase.

Theory and Explanations

Hugo Rendering Process (basic flow)

If you read the hugo documentations in detailed fashion, you'll notice that Hugo is very flexible, which is a reason why it is complex at first glance. Based on what we did in this section, we should observe clearly how hugo works its way for us:

  1. Hugo first read the content folder and structure the necessary site pages.
  2. Hugo read each markdown file, the and in the posts sub-folder and built the website path based on the filename and sub-folder name (also known as section). In our case, the URL are:
    1. /posts/my-first-post
    2. /post/my-second-post
  3. Hugo then reaches the layouts folder and look for the base layout (baseof.html) and single page layout (single.html) to construct the html files for all the contents.
    1. From here, we observe that the baseof.html layout is the most underlying base template. Another word, this is our base.
    2. Then, it seeks the single.html layout to render each posts.

How Single Page Layout and Base Layout Works Together

Using Baseof Layout
Using Single Layout
my second post

Let's use back our output for second post as our analysis sample. If you observes carefully on both baseof.html and single.html layouts, you'll notice that we included both the lines Using X Layout to indicate the layout is being used.

If we read the lookup order specification, Hugo first look for baseof.html and then seek single.html at the last point. That's why both Using Baseof Layout and Using Single Layout appeared.

 <h2>Using Baseof Layout</h2>
 {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}

For baseof.html to call single.html to build its content, it uses what we called template shortcodes to process it. The specific shortcode is:

  • {{ block "<name>" . }}{{ end }}

Keep in mind that you can name any code block with any sensible name as long as the responder has the code block to respond for it.

This "block" shortcode here, calls the "main" layout block offered from the following layout. In our case, it is from single.html. Otherwise, it will fills in as blank.

{{ define "main" }}
  <h2>Using Single Layout</h2>
 {{- .Content -}}
{{ end }}

For single.html to fulfill baseof.html layout request, we facilitate them using the define shortcode.

  • {{ define "<name>" }}{{ end }}

This wrap all the codes inside the definition as "main" code block and then proceed to construct the content.

To write the content out, we use the .Content shortcode:

  • {{- .Content -}}

This shortcode will dump all contents currently being processed. In the example, it is the header my second post from the second post.

If you work backwards from here now, you'll see that you can reconstruct the 2nd post output easily.