Uninstall Internet Explorer

For Internet Explorer, Windows made it looks like it cannot uninstall this obsolete web browser, exposing security risks to all windows users. Fortunately, there is a way to disable them fro being used. Moreover, Microsoft officials are calling it a stop to using Internet Explorer too! This guide will show you how to do it.

The closest alternative I can think of is either Firefox or Google Chrome.

Go to Add/Remove Program

First head to the Add/Remove Program where you usually uninstall software. Notice the "Turn Windows features on or off" at the left sidebar? Select that to configure all Windows in-house applications.

Windows 7 Add Remove Program

Find and Disable Internet Explorer

Now seek out the "Internet Explorer X" that is offered from your operating system. Disable it.

TIP: you can disable all other known applications like Games as well.

Uncheck Internet Explorer

Let It Process

Let the system processes the removal. You will need to restart after that.

Uninstalling Internet Explorer

That's all about uninstalling Internet Explorer from Windows.