Dealing On-The-Fly

When angry and you do not have time to quench your anger, you need to deal it on-the-fly. In these scenarios, you need to manage the anger energy on-the-fly while not disrupting your immediate routine.

While in anger, your conscious and awareness are focused and sharp. It is so sharp and focused that you get a tunnel vision thought which always cause us regrets.

Step 1 - Accept It

The only way to really control anger is to accept it. Accept the fact that you're angry at something. Let the anger flow through, and dissipate its energy. At this step, you should constantly disassociate your identity with it: by stop making it about you, who you are, or you being.

The feeling you refuse to identify naturally pass.

Step 2 - Think Opposite

Think thoughts opposite of anger. By thinking oppositely, you are creating room to exit the anger emotion. Example, when you're angry, think about the rationality and serenity. You can make use of thinking about consequences or karma of the feeling.

Think against, not for the negative feeling.

Step 3 - Act Oppositely

Choose to act oppositely. Until the anger subsides, cross-check the action is align/against the anger. If it is aligned, stop; otherwise, proceed. By acting oppositely, you know you're on the right track until you got time to dissipate the anger energy.

Act oppositely to the anger.

Step 4 - Find Space and Time to Quench

Once you have time and space, work on dissipating the anger energy as soon as possible. Ways to quench anger energy is in a different sections called Quenching.

What Won't Work

Control, Act, Suppress, Feed

Anger is an reaction, an energy not for resisting. The more you resist, the more it persists. When you act according to anger, you're reinforcing it. Suppressing only hides the problem and lives in the darkness. Lastly, re-thinking the thought only feeds the anger energy, therefore, recharging it.

That's all about handling anger on-the-fly.