Configure Hardened SSH Server

Listen to Specific Interface

Since this is a critical network communicator, one should set it to listen only to single interface. There are many ways to do it.

Using hosts.allow and host.deny

You can use the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to severely control the the traffic.

For /etc/hosts.deny, you can add the following to blacklist all connections:

sshd : ALL

Then, for /etc/hosts.allow, you can add each IP address accordingly.

sshd : IP-Address1, IP-Address2, IP-Address3
sshd : 33.*.*.*
sshd : 66.66.*.*

Using /etc/ssh/sshd_config ListenAddress Keyword

Inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config, you should look out for ListenAddress for specifying the list of acceptable IP addresses. This way, the server rejects all other servers, filtering them out from logging into SSH server.

ListenAddress 192.168.0.X

Obstruct Standard SSH Port

Another important security action (security by obscurity) is not to use the standard port 22. This way, it introduces some works for attacker to sniff all ports in order to find the actual ones. To change port, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and locate port keyword. Then change it to other numbers. Example:

Port 43594

Brain-Dead Configurations

These are the important configurations existed for unknown reasons but should be configured in all the cases.

Prohibits Root Account Login

This is brain-dead where root account should not be logged in directly via SSH. To disable said login, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and locate PermitRootLogin keyword. Set it to no explicitly.

PermitRootLogin no

Prohibits Empty Passwords Login

This is brain-dead where empty password should not be permitted at all. To disable said login, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and locate PermitEmptyPasswords keyword. Set it to no explicitly.

PermitEmptyPasswords no

SSH Protocol 2

This is another brain-dead configuration where SSH should be configured to use Protocol 2 instead of 1 due to security vulnerability. To do that, simply add the following into /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

Protocol 2

Disable Unused Services

SSH are used across multiple services. If you do not use them, you should disable them explicitly inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

KerberosAuthentication no
GSSAPIAuthentication no
HostbasedAuthentication no
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
RhostsAuthentication no

User Management

The next thing is to configure user managements.

Allow Specific Users

If you need to only permits specific users to connect SSH server, you can set it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config using AllowUsers keyword. Once done, list out all the users you want to allow to connect. Example, for local user alex, ref, user@hoestname:

AllowUsers alex ref me@somewhere ...

Deny Specific Users

If you need to only permits specific users to connect SSH server, you can set it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config using AllowUsers keyword. Once done, list out all the users you want to allow to connect. Example, for local user alex, ref, user@hoestname:

DenyUsers alex ref me@somewhere ...

Allow Specific User Group

If you need to only permits specific user groups to connect SSH server, you can set it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config using AllowGroups keyword. Once done, list out all the users you want to allow to connect. Example, for local group wheel and admin:

AllowGroups wheel admin ...

Deny Specific User Group

If you need to only permits specific user groups to connect SSH server, you can set it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config using DenyGroups keyword. Once done, list out all the users you want to allow to connect. Example, to deny users and visitors:

DenyGroups users visitors ...

Authentication Mechanics

Once done, it is now working on the authentication mechanism.

Enable/Disable Password Authentication

Password authentication (authorize by user's password) is entirely up to the deployed network. It is okay if every SSH allowed users practice safe inside a local area network, then it's safe to enable it.

If the server is exposed to public, it is always best to disable password authentication instead to prevent getting brute-forced.

To enable/disable password authentication, simple add the following statement into /etc/ssh/sshd_config with yes being enabled, no being disabled:

PasswordAuthentication no

Delegate to PAM

SSH authentication can be delegated to PAM user authentications. This way, one only manages the user authentication in a single location: PAM. To use PAM, make sure the following is inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

UsePAM yes

In this case, you should only edit /etc/pam.d/ssh to configure the authentication mechanism. For example, to authenticate only the list of users from a file (e.g. /etc/loginusers), you can use pam_listfile or pam_wheel:

auth       required sense=allow onerr=fail item=user file=/etc/loginusers

Jail Users

If the SSH server is open to the Internet, all allowed users (exception to administrator with good SSH practices) should be jailed in order not to let any users messes with the root system.

That's all for hardening SSH server.