Canvas FAQs & More

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How do I make my Announcements show on the course Home page (or how do I turn them off)?

  1. Open the course and click on "settings".

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the link for "more options" link. (If you don't see it, scroll back up and make sure you are in the "Course Details" tab.)

  3. Check the box for "Show recent announcements on Course home page" and decide how many announcements you want to be displayed. (The oldest ones will roll off of the screen).

  4. Click the maroon "Update Course Details" button.

How do I get my picture on the syllabus of my course?

  • Click the "Edit" button on the syllabus page.

  • Highlight the picture graphic next to the contact information.

  • Click the "Embed Image" icon in the menu bar. (shown below)

  • Select the "Canvas" tab, then "My Files"

  • Click "Upload File"

  • Find and upload your picture

  • Set the first dimension to ~180 and hit enter to resize if necessary.

  • Click "Update" to save the image.


How do I set my grades to the correct grading scale?

  • Go to "Settings" for your course.

  • Under "Grading Scheme", be sure the box is checked for "Enable Course Grading Scheme".

  • Click the link "view grading scheme"

  • The scheme listed should say "Secondary Grading Scheme" above where it says "Range" (may be different for Special Education)

    • If you have the wrong scheme, click "Select another grading scheme"

    • Click "Secondary Grading Scheme"

    • Scroll down a bit, and click "Use this Grading Scheme"

    • Click "Done"

How do I set missing assignments to act as a zero?

  • In Canvas, the default setting is to make missing assignments have NO impact on the overall student grade.

  • In order to set missing assignment grades to zero, do the following:

    • Click on "Grades" to get to the grade book screen.

    • On the far left side of the screen, click on the gear icon.

    • Check the box labeled "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions"

    • Set the "Grade percentage for missing submissions" to 0 (zero)

    • Click the "Update" button to save your changes.

How can I see my students' overall grade without having to scroll so far?

  • In the grade book, scroll all the way to the right until you see the column labeled "Total"

  • Go up to the three dots in the column's header, and click.

  • Select "Move to Front"

  • Your students overall percentage will be moved next to their name, so that you can see how they are doing at a glance.

How can I quickly fill a grading column with scores?

  • Under the 3 dots at the top of each assignment column is an option called "Default Grade"

  • You can set this default grade to the value of your choice, and the empty cells will be filled with this value.

  • If you check the "Overwrite already-entered grades" option, the entire column will be filled with your value.

  • The two most common uses of this feature are:

    • Filling in full credit for an assignment, and then modifying the few students who don't qualify.

    • Filling in zeros after the rest of the grades have been entered. (This is an alternative to marking each cell as "missing".)


How can copy several items from one course to another?

How can I share a rubric with other teachers?

  • NOTE: Rubrics can be shared across a school when set up by administrators. If you have a rubric that is used universally by your department or the building, seek out your building Canvas leaders.

  • If you want to share a teacher made rubric with another teacher, department, etc., follow these steps:

    1. From any course, click on ASSIGNMENTS in your navigation.

    2. Create a blank assignment (no details needed) and make the name the same as your rubric's name and click SAVE.

    3. Then click ADD RUBRIC and find the rubric you wish to share.

    4. After you have added your rubric and saved, SHARE TO COMMONS and TAG it with RUBRIC and key words to help others find it.


How can I see my course like a student?

  • Click the "Home" navigation link.

  • Click box that says "Student View" on the right hand side.

  • Now when you navigate your course, you will see it with a student's permissions.

    • You can take quizzes and do assignments as the "test student" within the course.

    • Google Assignments will NOT work as test student is not connected to a Google Account.

  • Click the "Leave Student View" button in the bright pink bar at the bottom of the screen to return to teacher permissions.

How do I get my class lists/sections loaded into a Canvas course?

  • Moving your students into a Canvas class is called cross-listing.

  • BE CAREFUL! If you do this backwards, you can accidentally overwrite a course, so if you don't feel confident, seek out Brockman, Leventhal, or another knowledgeable person to walk you through this. While it doesn't take long, it is critical that you do it correctly.

  • Step by Step instructions and a how-to video can be found on the Canvas Cross-Linking Page.

How do I remove a student who is no longer enrolled?


How can I get access to my Google Drive from within Canvas?

  • You need to "Authorize" Google in order to connect your Canvas account with your Google Drive.

  • This authorization only needs to happen once, unless your account changes in either Google or Canvas.

    1. Click the "Account" icon in the far left navigation pane.

    2. Click "Settings"

    3. Click on the "Google Drive " button near the middle of the page.

    4. Click "Authorize Google Drive Access"

    5. Select your district account and allow access.

How do I get rid of the color overlay on course tiles in the dashboard? (Why do my course tiles have funky colors?)

  1. Open the dashboard (found in the far left navigation pane)

  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. Unselect the course overlay.

How do I change the picture on my course's tile in the dashboard?

  1. Open the class you want to change.

  2. Go to "Settings"

  3. At the top of settings, you will see your tile's current image.

  4. Click the 3 dots on the upper right of that image, and select "Choose Image"

  5. Image must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format. (Be sure to use an image that is yours or licensed for reuse.)

  6. For best results, use an image that is wide screen in dimensions. The actual image size is 262px wide by 146px high.

How can I control which courses are displayed in my Dashboard or Course List?

  1. Click "Courses" in the far left navigation pane.

  2. Select "All Courses" at the bottom of the list.

  3. If no stars are colored/clicked, all classes will show on Dashboard and in Course List.

  4. By clicking/coloring one or more classes, only those selected courses will be displayed in Dashboard and on Course List.

  5. Any time you wish to make changes to this, you must start from step 1.

How can I create a new class in Canvas? / How do I apply the high school template?