Teacher Pages

Starting in November of 2009, all high school teachers will be putting their curricular materials online. The purpose of posting all of this material is to provide students with a way to access class assignments, deadlines, and support materials from home, especially during an extended absence. This will be equally beneficial for making it easier for students and parents to following what is going on in the classroom.

Requirements for Teacher Pages:

The most important aspect for all teacher web pages/sites is that they are easy for parents and students to use and understand. As you build your site, consider your audience. Start from a belief that they know nothing about you or your classes. Make your web pages so that even this audience can quickly find the expectations for students with regards to assignments, upcoming tests, projects, due dates, etc. All teacher web sites should make it easy to find:

  • the courses taught by the teacher

  • Course outline/syllabus or weekly outline of in-class activities and learning

  • schedule/calendar/list of assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, etc., and their due dates

  • Attach resources or assigmments if appropriate

All teacher sites should be:

  • a reflection of the professionalism found in your classroom everyday (good spelling, grammar, articulation...)

  • respectful of copyright laws