Google Meet - Security

Not all Meet participants may be welcome. By managing the configuration of your Meet, you can limit those who have access. Here's how.

Setting up Your Google Meet

  1. Set up a Google Meet link. (I like to do this in my calendar, so that the Meet is tied to a date and time.)

  2. Enter the Meet, buy clicking on the join link. (This should be done immediately after creating the meet, so that your Meet is ready in advance of the meeting.)

  3. Open the settings, by clicking on the 3-dots on the lower right hand corner, then click "Settings"

    1. Go to the "Host Controls"

    1. Turn off Quick Access. (Notice that you can also restrict screen sharing and the chat feature from here.)

    1. Your settings are now ready for your meeting. You may leave the Meet and return at the time of the scheduled meeting.

    2. As participants begin asking to join the meet, you will see the following screen. Click the "View All" option to see who is requesting to join.

    1. This list helps you to see who is local (from within the community) and who is from some other source. This is extremely useful in determining where uses are coming from. For classroom meetings, you should Deny anyone listed as being "outside of Forest Lake Area Schools" EVEN IF you recognize the name. (Names can be spoofed with fake email accounts.)

    2. For speed, the easiest thing is to deny anyone necessary individuals, and then "Admit All" when the list is agreeable.

Something I would like to know, and will update once you tell me:

    1. In playing with this, I have found that Meet settings remember individuals allowed admittance. I am hoping this means that if you have a standing meeting link that you use over and over, you will be able to admit the participants just once for their first meeting, and when you return to the meeting for future events, you won't have to readmit the participants. Please let me know what you find out.