Google Meet - Q & A tool

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The Q & A feature is a great tool to use when meeting with large groups. It is easier to use than "chat" due to the additional tools available. Here's what you need to know.

Within a meeting, click on the "Activities" icon (three shapes).

Click the Q & A Option at the bottom.

You need to click "Turn on Q&A" to open the Q & A feature for students.

Participants must also click the "Activities" and "Q&A" buttons.

Like you, students will see posted questions, as well as the "Ask a question" button at the bottom of the screen.

Participants (and you) can also "upvote" a question by clicking on the thumbs up. Participants may remove their upvote, but they cannot upvote any question more than once.

As questions come in, you can choose to sort by 3 characteristics.

In addition, you (the host) can assign a status to questions by hiding them, marking them as answered, or deleting them.

Hosts also can filter questions based on these status assignments.

After the meeting has ended, the host (you) will receive a spreadsheets with the questions asked and other info.