Google Forms

The "Google Forms" application allows anyone to build a simple online form for collecting data. The data collected is placed into a Google Spreadsheet that can later be used for calculations, a database, etc.

Forms are a great way to gather basic information from individuals. So, if you used a form that looked like this one on the right:

It would create a spreadsheet that looks like the one below. Note that the data in this sheet has been filled in by others inputting data through the form. The "Timestamp" is automatically recorded by Google Forms, showing when the form was submitted. (Very useful if you need to know who responded first, or by a certain deadline.)

Forms are also a great way to take surveys.

While the data collected is still stored in a spreadsheet, Google has built-in great summarizing tools that show you with graphs and percentages, what your survey actually means.

So, if your survey looks like the one below:

Your results are colorfully summarized in the graphics below: