Name Your Course (district naming scheme)

Having a consistent naming pattern for district Canvas courses is important for a number of reasons. Below you will find the standard naming pattern, and how you can apply this to your classes.

Naming Pattern:

[Course Name] [Teacher Last Name] [Term & Period(s)] [School Year]


Algebra IIB | Smith | S2 | P1 P2 | 2019-2020

Ag Economics - Johnson - Q3 - P5 - 2019-2020 (All Ag courses agree to use Ag instead of Agriculture to shorten the name)

Field & Forensics Kahn Q3 P2 P4 2019-2020 (This example represents a blocked skinny course {P2} taught as a quarter course)

Course names may be truncated as long as they are uniform across departments and are easily identified, as in the examples above.

How to Rename Existing Courses:

  • Open the course you wish to rename.

  • Go to "Settings" and "Course Details"

    • Modify whatever is in the "Name" field. (Be careful, there is often far more text in this box than it actually shows.)

    • Add the new course name according to the naming pattern requested by the district.

    • [Course Name] [Teacher Last Name] [Term & Period(s)] [School Year]

    • The "Course Code" can be named as you wish. This will show up on the Card-View on the Canvas Dashboard, as well as in the blue link at the top of the course.

    • Click the maroon "Update Course Details" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

    • The pic to the right shows where to edit

    • The pic below shows the resulting appearance on the Dashboard.

    • Repeat this for the remainder of your published courses.