Incident Referrals

Behavior referrals are now done through Synergy/TeacherVUE. Please follow the instructions below to complete your referral online:

  1. Log into TeacherVUE.

  2. Under the "Home" menu, select "Incident Referral".

  3. Complete the information for the referral. BE SURE NOT TO USE STUDENT NAMES WITHIN ANY OF THE DESCRIPTION FIELDS FOR DATA PRIVACY REASONS. See notes below for more information.

    1. Refer To - select the dean of the offending student

    2. Description - Do not use student names. You can use words like offending student or victim or other non-specific descriptions.

    3. Violations - You may select multiple violations. The selection of violation terms helps us track specific behavior categories across time.

    4. Students Involved - You can add offender(s), victim(s), and witness(es).

      1. For offenders, be sure to include the likely motivation.

      2. Descriptions should include the student's role in the incident.

    5. Interventions -

      1. You can add multiple interventions, and comment on each one separately.

      2. You MUST INCLUDE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING to document the level of severity:

        1. For documentation only.

        2. For Possible Disciplinary Action.

        3. Hate Speech Referral

    6. Be sure to click the green "Save & Return" button to finish your submission.