Beginning a Form

Before you begin creating a form, you will want to determine what type of data you wish to collect. Keep in mind that there are many types of questions you can ask:

Text - This will collect text in a single box.

Paragraph Text - This will allow for a larger text box and a longer answer.

Multiple Choice - This allows for selection of a single answer from a list. ("other" with a text box is available)

Check Boxes - This allows selection of multiple options ("other" with a text box is available)

Choose from a List - This creates a drop-down menu from which to select.

Scale - Shows a range of values from which a selection is made.

Grid - A list of selections is listed across the top, with choices going down the side.

Other things to consider:

  • If you are collecting names, or other items you may wish to sort, include multiple questions such as:

    • first name and last name separately

    • street address seperate from city and/or zip (allows to sort by city)

  • Each question allows for "Help Text". Using help text will help keep your answers uniform. Some examples:

    • question: phone help text: (999)-999-9999

    • question: date help text: Please enter in the form: mm/dd/yyyy

    • question: check list help text: check all that apply

  • Consider a "Choose from a List" when you want to be able to sort responses by group. Some examples:

    • If you ask what building someone works in, give them a drop-down list. This way you won't get answers like, "high school, senior high, hs, sr. high" which won't sort well.

    • If you ask for a graduation year, consider a drop-down list. Otherwise, you might get "1999, '99, 99" etc. which won't sort well.

  • Once you have a plan for which data you want to collect, log into Google Docs. If you are using your district account, log into:

  • Click on the "documents" link at the top.

  • Click the "Create New" pull down menu and select "form".

  • From here you are ready to begin creating and editing your form.

  • Where your form says "Untitled" give it a meaningful name. Something you will be able to recognize when you come back to this document in 6 months or more.

  • Under the title, write a little entry informing your audience about this form. Why are you collecting data, who will see it, what will it be used for?

  • Google starts every form with two sample questions. Change these questions to meet your needs, and then use the "Add Item" to add additional questions.