
March 18, 2024

Spring Open House 2024

We had an active and well-attended booth at the VT Spring Open House last weekend. Thanks go out to undergrads Sam Phillips, Maddie Benedetti, Maddi Williams, and Katie Hughes; grad students Ella Davis and Jarely Mendez, and faculty members Mark Caddick, April Newcomer, Laura Neser and Sarah Stamps. 

Undergraduate Research Information Session

The department's grad students led a successful Undergraduate Research Information Session at last week's GEOS Tuesday.

WiNGS: Dr. Elizabeth Long

The Widening Inclusivity in the (Geo)Sciences event featured Dr. Elizabeth Long, Associate Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the Geological Society of America.

Ella Davis: High School Outreach

Over spring break MS student Ella Davis visited Ocean Lakes High School in Virginia Beach to talk with high school juniors and seniors about her experience and interests in geoscience, her research in structural geology as a graduate student, and how students might become geoscientists themselves. 

Friday Seminar: Dr. Cristián Escauriaza

The Friday seminar, "Exploring interactions of the flow and grain size in bedload transport," was given by Dr. Cristián Escauriaza (P. Univ. Católica de Chile and Stanford University). The visit was hosted by Assistant Professor Julia Cisneros.