
Aug. 21, 2023

New Grad Student Field Trip

Interim Grad Program Director Jim Spotila sent this photo from what was, by all accounts, a fun and successful field trip for the new graduate students last week. Clearly we need to include a session on how to make the "VT" finger sign as part of our grad student onboarding!

Shuhai Xiao receives the ICS Medal on Stratigraphy

Professor Shuhai Xiao received the ICS medal on Stratigraphy,  presented by the International Commission on Stratigraphy, this summer. This medal was established in 2004 and is given to one person every four years, "to honour high-quality research in stratigraphy by recognizing a single major achievement in advancing stratigraphical knowledge." See this page for more details. Congratulations, Shuhai!

Seen on Twitter: George Allen's group in the field

Assistant Professor George Allen posted the following on the platform formerly known as Twitter: "Having a blast in the field with @vtgeosciences undergrad and graduate students this week. We are surveying streams in the St Vrain watershed (Colorado) as part of our @nsf CAREER project."