
Oct. 17, 2022

GSA Reception

There was a great turnout of friends and alumni at the VT reception at GSA in Denver last week. Click through the carousel at right to see some photos of the event from Maddy Schreiber. The alumni spotted included Jesse Broce, Cameron Chambers, Michelle Fame, Victor Guevara, John Huntley, Katie Krueger, Hector Lamadrid, Allie Nagurney, Phil Prince, and David Spears.

Majors Fair 2022

We had a great turnout of volunteers for the fall Majors Fair in the Squires ballroom. Pictured at left are Laura Neser, Ryan Pollyea, and Ben Avellaneda. Thank you to everyone who volunteered for the fair, including Elizabeth Curtiss, David Bruce, Brian Romans, Mark Caddick, Julio Montenegro, Simba Srivastava, Michala Puckett, Ella Davis, Priya Bose, and Isaiah McKinney!

National Fossil Day Booth

Undergrad James Lotts conceived and staffed a booth of paleontology exhibits for National Fossil Day last week. James staffed the booth all day long, with contributions from multiple colleagues, including PhD student Khanh To (pictured here). Well done James!

Visit from Alumnus Steve Grimsley

We got a surprise visit from alumnus Steve Grimsley last week. Steve gifted us with several prints of his beautiful astronomy photographs, which we will frame and display in the department. Thank you, Steve!

Field Work at Boxley Fieldale Quarry

The Critical Zone Geophysics team -- Steve Holbrook, Sean Bemis, Ivan Rabak, Denise Burgett, and Ben Eppinger -- collected some data on an outcrop at the Boxley Fieldale quarry in Martinsville, VA last week. Mine manager Stacy Barbour gave the team a tour of the quarry's new rock processing plant. Scroll through the image carousel to see some photos.