
August 22, 2022

New T. Rex Skull in Museum! ("VT Rex"?)

Photos by Sterling Nesbitt of the 3D-printed T. Rex skull and track lighting in the Museum of Geosciences. I suggest "VT Rex" as a possible moniker!

Department event on the New River, Aug. 13

Photo by Maddy Schreiber of department event on the New River, Aug. 13, 2022, in honor of retired Museum Manager Llyn Sharp. We had a great turnout on a beautiful day at New River Junction!

New Grad Student Field Trip

Incoming grad students on Bald Knob with Dr. Brian Romans, Graduate Program Director.

Faculty welcome party

Tina Dura and Ivan Rabak hosted a welcome to new faculty members George Allen and Mike Willis on Aug. 18. (Thanks for sharing your 10th wedding anniversary with the department, Tina and Ivan!)