
Nov. 6, 2023

Vertebrate Paleo group at SVP

The vertebrate paleo group had a great showing this year, with six talks (Erika Goldsmith, Jack Stack, Helen Burch (who also moderated a session), Emily Keeble, Davide Foffa, and Isaac Pugh) and two posters (Michelle and Isaiah McKinney). Isaiah's poster was part of the Colbert Student Poster Prize competition. Multiple alumni from the group were also at the meeting (Ben Kligman, now postdoc at Smithsonian; Megan Sodano; Neil Pezzoni; Emily Lessner, currently postdoc at the Denver Museum; Emily Patellos, now PhD candidate at USC; Mitchell Riegler, now PhD candidate at University of Florida; Dana Korniesel, now PhD candidate at Carleton University in Ottawa Canada; and Kiersten Formoso, now PhD candidate at USC).

Coastal Hazards class field trip to Roanoke Island

Assistant Professor Tina Dura took her Coastal Hazards class to the Outer Banks to the Eastern Carolina Coastal Studies Institute on Roanoke Island. The students studied the erosion going on in the Outer Banks, discussed mitigation strategies, and put it all in the context of future sea-level rise/storm impacts etc. They also did some marsh coring to learn about how past records of sea-level rise and barrier island migration have been reconstructed. 

WInGS seminar: Amber Wendler

The WInGS presentation was by Biological Sciences PhD candidate Amber Wendler, who spoke about her new book, Been Outside: Adventures of Black Women, Nonbinary, and Gender Nonconforming People in Nature.