
August 29, 2022

ACS Session Honoring Mike Hochella

Last week a session was held at the American Chemical Society's Fall 2022 meeting in honor of Prof. Emeritus Mike Hochella. Many people from all around the world presented their research and celebrated Mike's contribution to the field of Nanogeoscience. PhD student Ali Namandayeh contributed the photos of the event below. The picture on the left shows the so-called "VT Nano Mafia" -- left-to-right: Ali Namayandeh, Kevin Rosso (VT geosciences alumni, PNNL), Marc Michel (VT-Geosciences), Gordon Brown ( VT geosciences alumni, Stanford University), Mike Hochella (Geosciences, PNNL; VT), and Peter Vikesland (Environmental engineering; VT). This was a kind of "family reunion:" Gordon Brown was the advisor of Mike (Ph.D.) and Marc (Postdoc) at Stanford, Mike was the Ph.D. advisor of Kevin at VT, and Marc is Ali's advisor at VT. Three scientific generations paying it forward.

Congratulations on this session honoring your career, Mike!

Morrison Nolan PhD Defense

On Friday, Morrison Nolan successfully defended his PhD dissertation! The defense was held in the Museum, and the new renovations in lighting (and watchful eye of VT Rex) made for an excellent venue for a defense. Scroll through this image carousel for a few photos.

EDS Field Trip to the New River

Mark Caddick sent this photo of this year's class of EDS (GEOS 2024) students, finishing their first week in the Geosciences major with a Saturday field trip to the New River. Megan Duncan, David Bunin, and Alaina Helm also joined for what was, by all reports, a fun trip.

Faculty Showcase

On Friday we had our annual Faculty Showcase, in which each faculty member gets 60-90 seconds to introduce themselves to our new grad students. We had a full house at the Holtzman Alumni Center auditorium!

Fall Picnic

Scroll through this image carousel for a few photos of last Friday's Geosciences Fall Picnic. Special thanks to Sharon Collins, Mary Jane Smith, and Mark Lemon for making it happen!