
Oct. 23, 2023

Hokies at GSA

Geo-Hokies were out in force at the Geological Society of America annual meeting in Pittsburgh last week. A number of students presented their work. VT-Geosciences joined up with several other Virginia geoscience departments to host a joint alumni reception, which was attended by over 40 VT alumni and friends

Chesapeake field work

Members of the Geodesy and Tectonophysics Laboratory set up GNSS equipment at two benchmarks on the Eastern Shore of Virginia to measure high precision vertical land motions as part of a broader campaign that observes ~60 benchmarks across the Chesapeake Bay. PhD student Karen Williams and undergraduate research Anabelle Fry joined Associate Professor Sarah Stamps for the fieldwork over the weekend.

Friday seminar: Dr. Sinéad Farrell

Last week's Friday seminar was given by Dr. Sinéad Farrell of the University of Maryland. The visit was hosted by Associate Professor Mike Willis.