
Feb. 13, 2023

Two Geosciences graduate students present at the Nutshell Games

PhD students Emily Ellis and Mohammed Khorrami presented terrific 90-second lightning talks about their research at VT's Seventh Annual Nutshell Games. Emily was won of five students winners (out of 30) selected by a distinguished panel of judges for $500 scholarship.

GEOS Tuesday: New student welcome

Academic Advisor April Newcomer led an all-star team in welcoming 15 new students, undergrad and grad, to the Department of Geosciences.

Annual Museum of Geosciences lecture: Dr. Scott King

Professor Scott King gave the annual Museum of Geosciences public lecture, "All Shook Up: Impacts and Quakes on Mars." Dr. King was introduced by Museum Director Dr. Sterling Nesbitt and Museum Manager Mariah Green.

Anusha Prasad defends her M.S.

Anusha Prasad successfully defended her master's thesis, "Seismic Imaging of a Granitoid-Greenstone Boundary in the Paleoarchean Pilbara Craton." Anusha was introduced by her advisor, Dr. John Hole.

Friday seminar: Dr. Dom Ciruzzi

Dr. Dom Ciruzzi, assistant professor at the College of William and Mary, gave the Friday seminar on "Evaluating tree sway and tree core signals as indicators of changing ecohydrological processes." Dom was introduced by Dr. Maddy Schreiber.

First meeting of the new Geosciences Advisory Board

The department's new Advisory Board held their kickoff meeting over zoom on Friday, meeting with the department's Executive Committee. The new board includes Kathleen Barrett, Danielle Carpenter, Caitlin Colleary, Josh Jones, Henry Pettingill, Jon Powell, Bill Rouse, David Spears, Emma Tulsky, and Rhonda Welch.