
April 15, 2024

Friday Seminar: Dr. Mong-Han Huang

Associate Professor Mong-Han Huang (University of Maryland) gave the Friday seminar, "Tidally modulated icequake periodicity and its implications for rift zone dynamics." The visit was hosted by Associate Professor Sarah Stamps.

Sedimentary Basins field trip

Brian Romans co-led a field trip with Callan Bentley (Piedmont Virginia Community College) and Alan Pitts (USGS) to 'Corridor H' in northeast West Virginia to visit Paleozoic sedimentary successions as part of his Sedimentary Basins course.

Geophysics lab at Duck Pond

Students in Professor Steve Holbrook's Elementary Geophysics class collected electrical resistivity and ground-penetrating radar data near the Duck Pond. The effort was supported by Sean Bemis and Mark Lemon.