
April 8, 2024

Hokie Focus!

Hokie Focus welcomes prospective undergrads who have been admitted to VT but (perhaps) not yet decided on whether to accept. It's an important recruiting event for our department, and once again we had great participation and a successful event.

WiNGS: El Cardenal

The WInGS (Widening Inclusivity in the [Geo]Sciences) series hosted a talk by El Cardenal, a geoscientist at AECOM, on "Maintaining agency and autonomy in a 40-hour work week: Perspectives from an early-career geoscientist." 

Friday Seminar: Dr. Jay Thomas

Alumnus Jay Thomas gave the Friday seminar, "Quartz inclusions in garnets: Nature's amazing spring," hosted by Professor Bob Bodnar.

Field Obs at Buffalo Mountain

Assistant Professor Tina Dura's Field Observations class had a good field trip to Buffalo Mountain.